Minister Wahbi : There is a difference between freedom of expression and absurdity Facebook is not for insults and defamation, and Hachi is not for insults and defamation + (video)

Minister Wahbi : There is a difference between freedom of expression and absurdity Facebook is not for insults and defamation, and Hachi is not for insults and defamation + (video)
Minister of Justice Abdellatif Wehbi emphasized on Tuesday the need to distinguish between freedom of expression and absurdity, stressing that “freedom of expression does not mean defamation and insult.”

“Social media platforms, especially Facebook, have become an open space for all kinds of abuses, including insults, defamation, insults and slander, which requires a firm intervention to control this phenomenon,” Wahbi said.

The Moroccan minister explained that “the government is taking strict measures to hold accountable those who violate the laws and exploit freedom of expression for malicious purposes.”

Source : Fes News Media

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