The General Directorate of National Security sets a record at the Open Doors in Agadir: More than 2 million visitors

The General Directorate of National Security announced that the Open Doors events held in Agadir from May 17 to 21 witnessed an unprecedented attendance of 2 million and 120,000 visitors, setting a record compared to previous editions.

The event witnessed a large number of visitors, with peak attendance on Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, exceeding 1.4 million visitors, mostly students representing 845 educational institutions, as well as representatives of 1242 civil societies and reporters from 170 media outlets.

As part of the facilities provided to visitors, the General Directorate provided an information application to conduct a virtual visit to the events online, in addition to the “JPO POLICE” application that allows access to the course program and various activities. The Directorate also used its social media accounts to broadcast the events live, achieving more than 25 million views, in addition to organizing 1,097 media activities.

The events spanned an area of more than 58,000 square meters, including 10,000 square meters covered with 37 different halls for scientific and technical police, intervention units, the use of technology in policing, as well as joint halls with the National Council for Human Rights and the National Road Safety Agency.

The course dedicated a 750-square-meter children’s entertainment pavilion, which included educational and recreational activities using virtual reality technologies, as well as spaces for professional performances by mounted teams, trained dogs, and special forces, equipped with high-quality sound and lighting systems.

On the scientific front, the session included seminars and meetings on current topics such as documenting the efforts of public forces in managing the Al Hawz earthquake disaster, the Moroccan model in organizing major events, and the use of artificial intelligence and genetic fingerprinting in policing.

The event also included a blood donation area in cooperation with the National Blood Synthesis Center, which resulted in the registration of 230 donors.

By organizing this event, the General Directorate of National Security aims to promote proximity policing and community openness, and meet the aspirations of citizens, in a strategic endeavor to achieve sustainable community security.

Source : Fez News Media

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