Algerian doctor successfully extracts 20 nails and metal wires from patient’s abdomen

Algerian doctors managed to save the life of a patient after extracting 20 nails and a bunch of metal wires from his stomach, which he had swallowed in stages due to psychological disorders. The incident, which took place this week in the eastern Algerian state of Skikda, raised many eyebrows.

The medical team at Abdelrazak Bouhara Hospital in Skikda explained that the complex surgery took more than 6 hours, led by Dr Daas Ameur Hussein, a specialist in general surgery, with the participation of the medical and paramedical staff of the surgical department. The team was able to extract a large amount of metal nails and wires stuck in the patient’s small and large intestine.

The hospital administration published photos of the foreign objects that were found inside the patient’s abdomen, which raised the surprise of many as to how he was able to endure such a large number of foreign objects inside his bowels.

Local media reported that the patient was suffering from psychological disorders that led him to unconsciously ingest the large amount of nails and metal wires, which led him to feel severe pain. This prompted him to visit the doctor, who quickly referred him to the operating theatre and subjected him to urgent surgery.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي