The prosecutor at the Fes Court closes the borders against the former general manager of the agency in charge of the “Marcheca Med” project in Nador

Borders Closed to “Marchica Med” Director Amid Financial Irregularities

Fes, Morocco – May 21, 2024 – The Prosecutor General of the Fes Court of Appeal has issued an order barring the former Director General of the agency in charge of the “Marchica Med” project in Nador from leaving the country. This comes in light of a detailed report prepared by judges of the Regional Court of Auditors in Oujda, uncovering financial irregularities in the project.

In parallel, the Prosecutor General has ordered an in-depth investigation into these irregularities, entrusting the task to the Regional Judicial Police Brigade in Fes, under his direct supervision.

According to available information, the report revealed the existence of serious violations of financial and administrative management rules in the “Marchica Med” project, the massive development project that is being counted on to achieve real development in the Nador region, in implementation of an integrated development strategy.

The violations included, in particular, the misuse of funds, the inflation of invoices, and suspicious deals, which raised the concerns of the country’s highest authorities.

These escalating steps come within the framework of the Kingdom of Morocco’s keenness to combat corruption and promote transparency in the management of public projects, and to ensure that they obtain the best possible return on investment.

About محمد الفاسي