Good news for Moroccans living in these countries: Bulgaria and Romania celebrate entry into the Schengen zone and seek full membership

Bulgaria and Romania have welcomed their partial accession to Europe’s visa-free travel zone, Schengen, as of 31 March, after years of painful negotiations. Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Dinkov described the event as a ‘great victory’ for his country of 6.6 million people. Deputy Prime Minister Maria Gabriel added that today was a ‘historic moment’.

In Romania, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolaco said the achievement was ‘well-deserved’ for his country of 19 million people. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said it was a ‘great success’ for both countries and the entire Schengen area.

As of midnight, there was free movement of people coming and going by air and sea, but not by road, due to objections from Austria, which fears it will make it easier for migrants to enter other EU countries.

Bulgaria and Romania are aiming to fully open their land borders by the end of 2024.

Established in 1985, the Schengen Area allows more than 400 million people to travel freely without internal controls, and currently includes 29 European countries.

Moroccans and Algerians residing in Bulgaria and Romania were delighted, as they will benefit from the freedom to travel to Schengen countries without the need for complicated procedures, enhancing their chances of visiting other European countries with ease.

From the website: Fez News

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