Iranian state television/ Rescue teams find President Raisi’s helicopter

An intensive search was continuing on Sunday evening in north-west Iran for the helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raissi, which was involved in an ‘accident’, according to officials and official media. The helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi had disappeared from radar before being found on Sunday by rescue teams, according to Iranian state television.

For the moment, no information has yet been released on the fate of the President and the other passengers, as night has fallen and the weather conditions have worsened, with rain adding to the thick fog. For its part, the Iranian Red Crescent, which is leading the search, denied a few minutes later on Reuters that the plane had been found, adding to the confusion that has lasted for hours over the fate of the Iranian president.

All the resources of the Iranian army and the Revolutionary Guards were mobilised by the army’s Chief of Staff, General Mohammad Bagheri, to locate the site of what the Iranian state media are now describing as a ‘crash’, after having spoken for several hours of an ‘emergency landing’.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi was travelling in a helicopter, along with his foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the governor of the province and the region’s main imam. Two other helicopters in the presidential convoy landed safely in Tabriz, a major city in the north of the country, on the morning of Sunday 19 May. The third aircraft never reached its destination.

About محمد الفاسي