His Majesty the King calls for expedited humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza and enhanced protection of unarmed civilians + (video)

His Majesty King Mohammed VI condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli reprisals in the Gaza Strip, considering them a flagrant violation of international law and international humanitarian law.

“The imposition of a new reality in the Gaza Strip and attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians are unacceptable and will only aggravate the situation and increase violence and instability,” King Mohammed VI said in a speech to the 33rd Arab League Summit, which opened on Thursday in Manama, Bahrain.

His Majesty stressed that “the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the Palestinian territories and a unified Palestinian state,” and reiterated “the need to expedite the provision of humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the entire Gaza Strip in a sustainable manner, and to enhance the protection of unarmed civilians.”

In addition to condemning the Israeli aggression, King Mohammed VI reiterated “the Kingdom of Morocco’s firm support for the brotherly Palestinian people to recover their legitimate rights and establish their independent and sovereign state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the two-state solution.”

“The difficult circumstances that the Palestinian cause is going through, as a result of the blatant Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, make us even more determined to ensure that the Palestinian issue remains at the center of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East,” the Sovereign stressed.

Source : Fes News Media

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