Video: Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico undergoes assassination attempt with gunfire in Handlová

In a shocking incident that shook the European political scene, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot in the city of Handlova, leaving him seriously injured and in critical condition. The incident, which took place amid rising political tensions ahead of the European elections, sparked a wave of concern and speculation about possible motives and repercussions.

Initial reports indicate that Fico sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was rushed to hospital where he is undergoing extensive surgery. Police have arrested one of the suspects and investigations are underway to uncover the circumstances of the incident and those responsible.

This is not only an attack on a prominent political figure, but also an attack on the democratic system and internal security of Slovakia. Outgoing President Zuzana Kabutova strongly condemned the attack and emphasised that violence cannot be a means of political expression, and called for an end to the hate speech that fuels such acts.

The international community is following the situation closely, and many European leaders and officials have expressed their shock and solidarity with the Slovak people in these difficult times. The incident highlights the urgent need to strengthen security and political stability in Europe, especially during election periods when elections are fiercely contested and deeply divisive.

The coming days and weeks will be crucial in determining the course of events and the long-term effects of this incident on Slovak and European politics. The hope is that Fico will be able to overcome this ordeal and that justice and peace will ultimately prevail.

From the website: Fez News

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