Morocco celebrates the 68th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Armed Forces +(Photos)

Today, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Morocco celebrates the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the Royal Armed Forces, an occasion to recall the great achievements and sacrifices made by this prestigious institution to safeguard the supreme interests of the nation, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces.

This anniversary is an opportunity to recall the visionary vision of His Majesty the late Mohammed V, who, immediately after gaining independence, entrusted his then Crown Prince, His Majesty the late Hassan II, with the formation of the first nucleus of the Royal Armed Forces. His Majesty the late Hassan II, followed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, paid special attention to this institution to modernize and equip its units and provide all necessary means and means, making it today an impregnable fortress to protect the country and defend its sanctities and acquisitions.

This anniversary is an occasion to celebrate the men and women of the Royal Armed Forces who are working to carry out the noble tasks for which this institution was created in 1956, whether it is defending the homeland or contributing to the construction of modern Morocco.

Over the decades, the Royal Armed Forces have been the pride of all Moroccans, an essential link of national unity, and an honorable ambassador of the Kingdom’s values wherever duty calls.

The Royal Armed Forces have provided all the necessary infrastructure, teaching staff and pedagogical resources to ensure the success of this process, which was launched at the initiative of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The military service is considered an exceptional opportunity for young people wishing to develop their cognitive and professional abilities, and to enter the labor market with appropriate skills and competencies for the required specialties.

This service is receiving an increasing and qualitative demand from young people, given the training paths it offers to beneficiaries, and its objectives of developing cognitive and professional abilities, undergoing physical and military training, while benefiting from remuneration, health coverage and insurance.

The year 2023 was characterized by the presence of the Royal Armed Forces in a number of stations and missions, especially the relief of the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake, thanks to the availability of human resources with modern training and great experience in the field, as well as world-class logistical equipment. The Royal Armed Forces also played an important role in providing assistance to populations affected by bad weather, as well as humanitarian missions and peacekeeping operations.

With the same high spirit of discipline and dedication that characterizes the efforts of the Royal Armed Forces at home, the troops of this national institution continue to perform their noble missions in the framework of peacekeeping operations around the world, thus registering their involvement in favor of the values of peace, security and solidarity in the world.

This active involvement of the Kingdom of Morocco since 1960 in the service of the principles of peace and security around the world, as well as to share the experience gained by the Moroccan Blue Berets to defend the universal values of solidarity, dignity and humanitarianism through the deployment of the Royal Armed Forces, under the banner of the United Nations, in various regions of the world.

Source : Fez News Media

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