The King, Supreme Commander and Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, issues the daily order to the Royal Armed Forces on the occasion of its 68th anniversary

King, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, issues daily order to the Royal Armed Forces on the occasion of its 68th anniversary
His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Supreme Commander and Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, on Tuesday issued the “Daily Order” to the Royal Armed Forces, on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of its establishment.

The text of the daily order is as follows:
“Praise be to God, peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions.
Officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers.

On this precious day, we celebrate the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the Royal Armed Forces, with our hearts filled with feelings of pride and pride for us and for the entire Moroccan nation, with all the components of our valiant army, land, air, sea and Royal Gendarmerie. For us, the Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, it is an occasion to renew our affection and satisfaction for you and to express our gratitude for the sacrifices you make with dedication and selflessness in the service of territorial unity and the protection of national borders.

We also review with appreciation and reverence the timeless milestones achieved by our Royal Armed Forces, recalling with reverence the pioneering roles of the two great leaders, His Majesty King Mohammed V and his heir, His Majesty King Hassan II, so that this institution may continue its historic march as a fortified bulwark of this honest country.
Officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers.

The grave tasks entrusted to you in defending the national territory and preserving its territorial integrity, your continuous efforts to serve your country in various military, security, humanitarian, social and educational fields, as well as your close commitment to the spirit of responsibility and diligence

The lives of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers.

The world today is witnessing alarming tensions and unprecedented rapid transformations, embodied in conflicts, different alliances and the increasing likelihood of war in different regions around the world. These circumstances have made it imperative to rethink the concepts of security and defense, and to adapt programs and strategies to the growing threats and challenges, making it necessary to keep pace and adapt to this situation.
Therefore, Our Majesty is constantly keen to develop the capabilities of the Royal Armed Forces in all its components and provide them with all modern technical means and the necessary equipment through training and qualification programs for the human element, while developing integrated plans to ensure permanent operational readiness and enhance their defense capabilities in all circumstances.
This is why we have issued our high instructions to launch a comprehensive evaluation of the training curricula and military training programs for all soldiers at all levels, in order to revive a new dynamic in education systems and means, and to adapt them to the new transformations, with the adoption of renewed thinking and innovative methods in the scientific, technological and artificial intelligence fields.
In order to develop the higher military training system, we ordered the establishment of a new headquarters for the Royal College of Higher Military Studies, as an integrated university pole, which will host all higher military training schools for officers of the land, air, naval and gendarmerie forces, and guarantee an integrated education according to modern advanced curricula and technologies and open to the continental and international space.

Officers’ and soldiers’ livelihoods

The unprecedented turnout of our youth in response to the nation’s call for military service, which since its reintroduction has yielded very positive results, reflects the continued success of this process, which we chose to make it a national workshop

The lives of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers.

Our Royal Armed Forces continue, as they have done in the past, to carry out with dedication and sacrifice the tasks entrusted to them, whether social or military, for the benefit of the country and the safety of its inhabitants. In this regard, we take this opportunity to pay tribute to the glorious epic that the members of the Royal Armed Forces, together with their counterparts from the Royal Gendarmerie, National Security, Auxiliary Forces, Civil Protection, local authorities, and fellow volunteers, recorded following the tragedy of the earthquake that struck the regions of Al Haouz and Taroudant.
Immediately after we issued our high instructions in the first hours of the tragedy, your immediate response and rapid intervention in the field, coupled with the deployment of field medical hospitals, ground and air rescue and relief units, as well as the setting up of shelter camps and the provision of food aid to the affected people, were instrumental in alleviating the suffering of the population and breaking the isolation of the affected areas.
We are also proud of the great role played by the female military personnel during these painful events, who contributed with the same determination, enthusiasm and sense of belonging to the homeland, in framing field hospitals as well as social activities to ease the burden of the tragedy on women and children.

The lives of the officers and the officers of the soldiers.

As we commemorate this blessed occasion, we recall with great reverence the souls of all those who gave their lives and sacrificed for the dignity and honor of this country, headed by the two late leaders, our grandfather, His Majesty the late Mohammed V, and our father, His Majesty King Hassan II, may God have mercy on them, and we pray to the Almighty to grant them his great mercy and to rest them in the depths of his paradise with the prophets, the righteous, the martyrs, and the righteous.
With the same faith, we ask God Almighty to have mercy on them.

source : fez news media

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