Medical School Crisis / Parliamentarian: This is a national issue and we have a huge shortage and we need to find a solution urgently before things get worse +(Video)

Medical School Crisis / Parliamentarian: This is a national issue and we have a huge shortage and we need to find a solution urgently before things get worse +(Video)

The specter of a “white year” looms over Morocco’s medical and pharmacy faculties, after more than five months of students boycotting theoretical and practical classes in protest against the conditions of training.

The Minister of Higher Education, Abdellatif Merawi, warned of the repercussions of continuing this boycott, emphasizing that “the current situation does not bode well” and that “a white year would be a great loss for everyone.”

The minister explained during a session in the House of Representatives that the ministry “responded to more than 90% of the students’ demands,” but stressed that “some of the remaining points are unacceptable, such as the participation of students in the selection of new students and their refusal to do field training.”

For her part, parliamentarian Nadia Touhami called for “resuming dialogue with students urgently to overcome the scenario of the white year.”

Touhami criticized the “threatening and intimidating style” adopted by the minister in his speech to students, arguing that “dialogue is the only way to resolve the crisis.”

“Students today have an uncertain future ahead of them” and “the government lacks the courage to make a bold decision to put an end to this crisis,” said Ibrahim Abba, a parliamentarian.

In response to the MPs’ criticisms, Merawi emphasized that “the shifts in the path of student training came after an in-depth study and with the participation of all stakeholders.”

The minister stressed that “a white year is not a solution” and that “the ministry is doing its best to save the academic year.”

The fate of the academic year in the faculties of medicine and pharmacy remains pending the fate of the dialog between the ministry and students, will the two sides be able to overcome their differences and find consensual solutions that prevent students from losing an entire academic year?

Source: Fez News Media

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