Tiznit and Sidi Slimane / Arrest of 4 people who pledged allegiance to ISIS and planned a massacre in Morocco. But the security services and Dynasty have eyes that do not sleep

Tiznit and Sidi Slimane / Arrest of 4 people who pledged allegiance to ISIS and planned a massacre in Morocco. But the security services and Dynasty have eyes that do not sleep
The Central Office for Judicial Investigation (OCI) of the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGTS) succeeded on Tuesday morning in dismantling a terrorist cell loyal to the terrorist organization “Daesh”, as part of the ongoing efforts to combat violent extremism and preserve the security of the Kingdom and the safety of its citizens.

This qualitative security operation, carried out by members of the special force of the Rapid Intervention Squad, resulted in the arrest of four extremists aged between 22 and 44, active in the cities of Tiznit and Sidi Slimane, said a statement by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

Searches carried out at the homes of the suspects resulted in the seizure of paramilitary equipment including a tactical vest, a helmet, a shooting scope and a mask, in addition to extremist manuscripts and a set of electronic supports that will be subjected to the necessary digital tests, the communiqué explained.

According to preliminary information, investigations revealed that the members of this terrorist cell were involved in suspicious operations aimed at providing financial resources and logistical support for the implementation of terrorist projects inside the Kingdom, with the aim of undermining public order.

The suspects arrested as part of this terrorist cell have been taken into custody, pending the preliminary investigation, which is being conducted under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor in charge of terrorism cases. This investigation aims to uncover all their terrorist plans and projects, as well as identify all possible links and extensions of this cell, which once again emphasizes the growing terrorist risks faced by the Kingdom.

source : fez news media

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