Unemployed in Boulman’s Otat El Hajj community continue their open sit-in for the fourth consecutive month

Unemployed people in the Otat al-Hajj community, Boulman region, are continuing their open sit-in for the fourth month in a row, demanding job opportunities that preserve their dignity and achieve financial stability.

According to a special source, the number of days of the sit-in has reached 113 days without official dialogue with officials, while the protesters stress the need to take responsibility and open a serious dialogue to find solutions to their ongoing issue.

The roots of this sit-in go back more than three years, when unemployed people created a branch of the Association of Unemployed Certificates in Ottat El Hajj, and organised repeated demonstrations and sit-ins to press for suitable job opportunities.

Spokespersons for the association noted that they had repeatedly engaged in dialogues with officials and received unfulfilled promises, prompting them to continue their protests. In an unprecedented move, the unemployed chose the slogan ‘Either work or no work’ as an expression of their insistence on obtaining suitable job opportunities.

The association calls on officials to stop disregarding their fate and fulfil their promises, stressing that there is no alternative to providing them with decent job opportunities that help them get out of the cycle of unemployment that has impoverished and burdened them.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي