Charged with embezzlement of public funds and influence peddling The ordinary misdemeanor chamber of the Court of First Instance sentences the head of the Bouadel community to one year of imprisonment

In a notable development in judicial events in Taounat, the ordinary misdemeanour chamber of the Court of First Instance handed down its verdict in a case that occupied public opinion and was covered by local and national media. Nine people, including the head of a village community, were tried on charges of corruption, abuse of influence, fraud and insulting the judiciary.

The case, which erupted in rural communities in Taounat, reflects the challenges facing the judicial system in combating corruption and promoting transparency and integrity. The verdicts ranged from imprisonment to suspended sentences and fines, indicating the seriousness of the judicial procedures in dealing with such cases.

In its judgement, the court did not limit itself to criminal penalties, but issued acquittals for some defendants, reflecting the principle of justice and fair trial. This judgement is an important step towards establishing the principles of law and justice, and emphasises the importance of the judiciary’s role in protecting rights and freedoms and fighting corruption.

In the details of the verdicts, the court decided to acquit the ninth defendant ‘Idriss.A’ of the charges against him, convict the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and seventh defendants of all charges, sentence the first defendant ‘Mohsen.B’ to 8 months imprisonment and an effective fine of (2000) dirhams, and sentence the second defendant (head of Bouadel community) ‘Belkacem.L’ to one year imprisonment and an effective fine of (3000) dirhams.

The third defendant ‘Ahmed.A’, the fourth defendant ‘Abdelrahim.S’ and the fifth defendant ‘Rachid.A’ were each sentenced to 3 months imprisonment and a fine of (2000) dirhams, and the seventh defendant ‘Ahmed.R’ was sentenced to 2 months suspended imprisonment and a fine of (10000) dirhams.

The court also decided not to charge the sixth and eighth defendants ‘Aziz.A’ and ‘Belkacem.Z’ for the misdemeanours of embezzlement and concealment of public funds, exploitation of influence and determination of a bid or tender using fraudulent methods and declaring their innocence, and convicted them for the misdemeanour of fraud, sentencing each of them to 5 months suspended imprisonment and a fine of 3000 dirhams, with all convicted defendants to pay the minimum amount of solidarity.

These judgements come at a time when the Kingdom of Morocco is witnessing increasing efforts to improve the judicial system and enhance public confidence in justice. This case is an example of the hard work of the judicial authorities to ensure that justice is served and corruption is minimised.

It is important that citizens and those interested in public affairs follow these cases closely, not only to stay informed, but also to help support transparency and accountability. Public and civic oversight plays a vital role in strengthening the judicial system and encouraging the reforms needed to build a fairer and more transparent society.

From the website: Fez News

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