Collective services in Fez are dying..

The newspaper repeatedly receives communications regarding the sanitation sector in a number of popular neighborhoods in the city in particular, related to complaints about the almost complete absence or lack of tools and equipment used in providing the services of this sector, which is at the core and responsibility of the city’s governing council.

Today, the matter concerns Ain Al-Samen Street, opposite the post office, Bardala district, Zawagha district in Fez, according to a local resident source, who confirmed that residents are forced to abandon household rubbish as they please, due to the shortage of containers.

The source explained that the company authorized to manage the sector in the city did not provide enough containers for the neighborhood, in a way that forced the residents of one of the neighboring residences to take the container from its original place and transfer it to a place closer to them, which forced a significant number of residents to throw their household rubbish on the ground. (Image).

From our platform, the source comes forward, on his own behalf and on behalf of the residents, to those concerned, with the aim of expediting and providing sufficient containers, in order to preserve the general appearance and splendor of the city, as well as the physical health of the residents, especially children, the elderly, and women.

The leachate left by the cleaning truck in Al-Naseem neighborhood

It remains to be noted that the newspaper previously received a videotape from the Nassim neighborhood in Fez, showing a huge amount of garbage sap leaking onto the ground from the cleaning truck, as the local source confirmed that the company authorized to manage the sector uses one truck for a large area that includes thousands of residents, which hastened causing damage on an ongoing basis.

From: Fez News website

About محمد الفاسي