The High Commission for Planning/a worrying increase in divorce cases in the Kingdom, compared to a decrease in marriage cases

In Morocco, a recent analysis carried out by the High Commission for Planning (HCP) highlights a marked trend over the last fifteen years: a clear decrease in the number of marriages accompanied by a notable increase in cases of divorce.

According to data from the High Commission for Planning, in 2022, the number of marriages reached 251,000, a significant drop compared to the 269,000 recorded in 2021. This downward trend dates back to 2019, when 275,000 marriages occurred. been celebrated, underlines the report.

The study also highlights an alarming development over a wider period. Between 2008 and 2022, the number of marriage contracts fell from 307,000 to 251,000, recording a drop of 19%, which demonstrates a significant change in the marital habits of Moroccans.

At the same time, the figures for divorces, whether declared judicially or concluded amicably, have seen a notable increase. In 2008, there were 55,000 divorce cases, while in 2022, the number rose to 88,000, indicating growing concern about the stability of marital unions in the country.

About محمد الفاسي