idriss alami

Why is Fez the ruler of the world/ Idris Al-Alami, a cyclist on a spiritual quest from the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque in Fez Al-Alami to the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina

An Epic Departure
On a windy Friday in April, a few meters from Borj Nord, around ten curious people gathered around a cyclist like no other. Driss Alami Marrouni, aged 65, is preparing to set off on an extraordinary pilgrimage.

A Mystical Journey
This globetrotter took on the challenge of visiting the most famous mosques in the Islamic world by bike. His journey will take him from the Al Quaraouiyine Mosque in Fez to Mecca, passing through holy sites such as the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul and Al Masjid Nabawi in Medina.

An Experienced Adventurer
Mr. Marrouni has already completed many cycling trips, but this one is particularly special. He wishes to explore the depth of faith and the magnificence of the sacred monuments of Islam.

A Sustained Journey
Entitled “Between wheels and minarets”, this trip is supported by several Moroccan institutions. It aims to promote the values of tolerance and balance advocated by King Mohammed VI.

A Spiritual Itinerary
The journey begins in Fez, an emblematic city of Morocco, and continues through cities such as Chefchaouen, Istanbul, Cairo, Medina and finally Mecca. Each step is an opportunity to explore places steeped in history and spirituality.

A Personal Challenge
To accomplish this journey, the cyclist will have to overcome many obstacles and let himself be guided by his passion for cycling and his faith. Each pedal stroke will bring him a little closer to the spiritual peace he seeks.

About محمد الفاسي