Drug Seizure in Tangier: 5 Kg Cocaine and 8.5 Million Dirhams Confiscated

In a major security operation on Friday, April 12, 2024, the Tangier Judicial Police Prefectural Service seized a significant quantity of drugs and money.

The precise operation resulted in the confiscation of 5 kilograms of cocaine, a substantial amount that represents a severe blow to drug traffickers in the region. Additionally, the operation netted significant financial sums totaling approximately 8.5 million Moroccan dirhams and an additional amount in European currency, both suspected to be proceeds from illicit drug trafficking.

Investigations into this case led to the arrest of an individual involved in drug trafficking. The suspect was apprehended in possession of the seized cocaine, as well as a vehicle suspected of being used for drug transport and smuggling.

The suspect is currently under police custody, while investigations and inquiries continue under the supervision of the competent prosecutor’s office to unravel all aspects of this case and apprehend any other individuals involved.

This security operation constitutes a significant success within the framework of the ongoing efforts undertaken by the General Directorate of National Security to combat drugs and protect citizens from their dangers. It underscores the determination of the security authorities to firmly confront drug traffickers and dealers and bring them to justice.

Source: Fes News

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