Investigations Ongoing in the Case of Former Dozime Director, Suspect Released on Bail, and Mohamed Wafi Responds to Arrest News

In the ongoing investigations at the Court of Appeal in Casablanca, the investigating judge of the 4th Chamber of Financial Crimes Unit yesterday heard the former director of Channel 2, Mr. Mustapha Benali, who is being pursued at large following a complaint related to embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds, in accordance with Articles 241 and 129 of the Criminal Code.

In a related context, the investigating judge decided to prevent Mr. Benali from traveling outside the country on the basis of the complaint filed, which was submitted by the Supreme Council of Accounts, and then referred to the Attorney General at the Court of Appeal in Casablanca, and then to the investigating judge for the necessary investigation.

This measure comes after Channel 2 was inspected by the Supreme Council of Accounts, and the verification of the channel’s workflow and financial management, where some irregularities were observed in financial and administrative management.

In a related context, Mr. Mohamed Bensassi, Vice President of the Moroccan Organization for the Protection of Public Funds, explained that the organization had filed as a civil party in this case, and requested that the scope of the investigation be expanded to include a number of people who have a direct relationship with the financial and administrative management of the channel, in addition to hearing a number of companies that had contracted with the channel, and financial amounts were transferred to them without a convincing justification, which may indicate suspicions of embezzlement of public funds.

Mohamed El Wafi, one of the trade union cadres at Channel 2, said that many media professionals had slipped into defaming people, and published news about the arrest of a group of cadres of Channel 2, including the former general manager, without verifying the accuracy of the news, which affects the reputation of the cadres concerned and their families.

El Wafi added in a post on “Facebook” that this defamation represents unprofessional behavior, describing it as abhorrent, and indicating that he had wished to present an investigative article questioning everyone about the mistakes and abuses in public affairs management, but the situation of the press and media is still ambiguous.

El Wafi denounced this unprofessional behavior, expressing his solidarity with those affected by these malicious rumors and their families, stressing that every accused is innocent until proven guilty, and that it is not appropriate for competent professionals to be carried away by the instincts of some.

Please note that this is a translation of the provided Arabic text and may not be an exact replica of the original content.

Source: Fez News

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